Saturday, 22 March 2008

Letter 7 - February 11, (1919)

Hotel Wagram, Rue de Rivoli, Paris

Dear Family,-

Tomorrow eve we set sail for Modane, Italy. As sleepers are not in use these days we will be obliged to spend two nights and a day in a first class coach which at best is none too comfortable. Well - C’est la guerre! Our party will consist of Dr. F., Dr. R., Szold and me.

This is a most fascinating town – with London there is no comparison. Its beautiful buildings, its myriads of historic statues and monuments, its treed streets and parks and its picturesque Champs Elysees lined on all sides with many varieties of captured cannon – all are worth spending weeks enjoying. And we have practically no time so far. Conference has followed meeting in quick succession. Dr. Weitzman, who for some time has been practically dictator in Palestine, is here. Skoloff is here – he sends you all his regards. One of Dr. Flexner’s brothers is here and a number of lesser lights from various countries including Russia, Serbia, Switzerland and France – all convene daily for discussion.

This evening I’ve arranged to be absent in order to take supper with Charles Abenheimer, whom I succeeded in locating.

Among others whom I’ve met here is a man who used to teach me Hebrew some years ago. He is at the head of the Jewish Welfare Work in Paris.

I’m going to make a special effort to spend a little time in the Louvre tomorrow. I’d regret having been here without having been inside.

The weather has become milder – for which we are all grateful – tho so far I’ve had no occasion to use aspirin. Which reminds me – there is very little sugar here nor in London so thank you, Grow, I can use saccharin and not mind it.

Lots of love,


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